An aromatherapy favorite, this oil has a balancing effect on body and mind. Soothing and cooling, bergamot is ideal for dry or itchy skin conditions, and its fruity aroma helps to elevate a low mood, enhancing well-being.
What is it good for?
Soothes skin Bergamot essential oil is useful for balancing combination and oily skin and improving skin tone. Its strong soothing effects help to calm dry, itchy skin, and its natural healing properties can reduce the appearance of scars over time.
Enhances well-being The sweet aroma of bergamot acts as an antidepressant by balancing mood and easing anxiety. It is a popular ingredient in colognes.
Cools fevers Bergamot has a cooling action that can help the body fight fever.
Acts as an antiseptic The oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Dab, diluted, on cold sores (it is active against the herpes virus) and pimples.
Best Uses:
In a massage oil To promote feelings of relaxation and help ensure a restful sleep, make a refreshing blend by mixing 1–2 drops of bergamot oil with a base oil, and massage your feet before bedtime.
In a compress Add 2–3 drops to cool water and add to a compress, then apply directly to the skin to help relieve heat stroke or a fever.
For Aromatic or Topical:
Through diffuser/vaporizer or to apply topically, dilute with carrier oil to minimize skin sensitivity.
Caution: Skin patch test recommended, keep away from children & pets, pregnant and breastfeeding women consult healthcare professional.